If Nothing Changes - Nothing Changes

Fortuna iuvat - Fortune Favours the Bold

If Nothing Changes - Nothing Changes

The current vibe in the market, with buyers and sellers is hesitation, fear, procrastination – call it what you will – but they are generally unable to make a decision and commit to a deal.

For the vendor (seller) not being able to make a decision, is influenced by, their want of yesterdays prices, or hope that better deal might be around the corner, uncertainly about their own financial position and how the sale may impact them, struggling to let go over an emotional bond, and wanting to their property to be a “Golden Goose” after many long years of ownership.

For the buyers, there is uncertainty, from factors that if they act sooner rather than later, will either have no impact or at least will not have a negative impact on their purchase and subsequent financial position.

Other factors like, will property in general be the best long-term investment, what’s the capital gain potential, does the property have development potential? Or renovation potential? is the yield high enough and so on, also come into play.

There is talk of interest rate reductions in 2019, more attractive finance deals are being offered, and the Banks genuinely seem to be wanting to lend money again, and most property markets outside of Sydney, Melbourne and Darwin are rising in value. So outside of the scare mongering headlines, the property markets are actually tracking reasonably well.

The interesting part of all this is that in 5 years’ time, most people will forget the details of the deal or even the price they paid for the property. The details that are preventing them from making a decision today, will be forgotten, and become immaterial over time.

If you can be bold during these times of uncertainty you have the opportunity RIGHT NOW, to capitalize while others are faltering.

Hesitation is drawn from fear, fear is based on the unknown. Buying property can be one of the most exiting times and stressful times of your life. The size of the investment, the fear of paying too much or getting it wrong, actually stop people from doing anything.

If you are clear about your reasons for buying property, you’ve done your research, you can enter the market with confidence, and are less likely to hesitate and thus miss out on a great deal.

If you need help with direction, motivation, or general advice about finding, choosing, and acquiring the property please contact us here at Aspect Buyers Agency, we guarantee to make your property purchasing easier

Happy Investing.